Using Non Chloride Accelerator To Build Early Strength? Read This..

Concrete is a common building material used in constructing driveways, sidewalks, and pavements. The biggest challenge arises when you look for an ice melt that won’t damage concrete in winter and how it can survive the brunt of the changing seasons. Several factors affect the durability and strength of concrete. Choosing the right ice melt product is one of them.
Several products on the market answer the pertinent question- how to melt ice on concrete without salt? However, the biggest one is the right product that is economical, eco-friendly, and easy to store. To make this choice less overwhelming, Safe Thaw has developed a unique urea-modified ice melt product that is different from regular salt-based and urea-based products. With special glycols and inhibitors, ice melting boosters, and a liquid core, the action between the pellets and the icy surface is almost instantaneous. It is a safe product for kids and pets and does not harm the skin even under direct contact.

But before we jump the hoop, we must understand the requirement of using a non-chloride accelerator to build early strength in concrete and how you can achieve this.
What Do You Mean By Early Strength?
Concrete builds strength over time and takes weeks to cure and settle. The chemical reaction that triggers the hydration process is usually a balanced mix of water and cement. The early strength process continues till the concrete and water have crystallized and can take a couple of years to reach the level. Today, we have early strength admixtures that quicken the process and help you achieve the hardening process much in advance. It also helps to tackle the ice melt that won’t damage concrete in the long run.
How Can We Build Early Strength With Non-Chloride Accelerators?
NCA or Non-chloride Accelerators are specially designed to build early strength and enhance the quality of your concrete driveway and pavement. It helps to speed the process of crystallization and helps to remove almost all anomalies that are associated with building this strength, such as money, time, and resources. It acts quickly to help concrete develop strength in a couple of days. It does not impact the concrete strength and structure and helps use ice melt that won’t damage concrete in winter.
100% Salt & Chloride-Free Ice Melt for Winter Storm Protection.
A good non-chloride accelerator helps minimize wastage that may arise in frozen concrete and mortar mixes in winter. It decreases the overall turnaround time and does not interfere with the curing process. Today, several homeowners employ professionals who use NCA to ensure there is less wastage of concrete and water mix, the mixture does not freeze almost immediately, and there is less damage to the surroundings. These accelerators are designed to withstand cold temperatures and are an excellent way to answer your question of how to melt ice on concrete without salt. It is safe for the environment and helps in addressing your winter woes effectively.
Try Also Our Other Winter Safety Products:
Safe Paw
The Original and #1 Selling Pet and Child Safe Ice Melt for over 20 years. Guaranteed environmentally safe –It won’t harm animals or children, and it won’t damage your property. That’s Safe Paw. Safe Paw can change how winter affects our planet.

Walk On Ice
The handy disposable canister can be taken everywhere, with the same 100% naturally occurring minerals that provide instant traction on ice or snow. Use it on sidewalks, steps, or as an instant traction agent for your car.