Snow Clearance And Slip-Fall Risks

While slip, trip, and fall hazards exist all year, they are more prevalent during the winter months due to snow and ice. As a property owner or manager, you must make every reasonable effort to keep your guests, employees, and patrons safe. This danger and the accompanying liabilities can affect any business that has people visiting its facility, for example, hotels, residences, manufacturing enterprises, shopping centers, supermarkets, and office complexes.
One of the most popular snow removal methods is using a safe, effective ice melt. But before you plan to buy wholesale ice melt for the whole winter season, do not forget to pay close attention to the ice melt ingredients listed on the pack. As a responsible business, you need to opt for products safe for people, property, and the environment.
Here are some tips for keeping your premises free from snow this winter.
1. Lay down a strategy
A well-planned strategy and the implementation of a snow and ice removal plan are the first lines of defense against slip, trip, and fall events. Make a written snow and ice removal plan and follow it.
Decide who will be in charge of carrying out the plan. Determine whether snow and ice removal will be handled in-house or by a third-party contractor.
2. Execution of the strategy
Consider high-risk regions like high-traffic areas, slopes, and dimly lit or uneven surfaces when deciding which areas to attack first. If your personnel are responsible for snow removal, make sure they have the necessary training and equipment, including insulated boots, gloves, and coats, as well as snow removal equipment. Assign someone to keep an eye on the weather, the walking surfaces, and the success of the removal methods.
3. Use safe ice melt
Clear walkways and parking lots as much as possible before staff and guests arrive. Keep an eye on snow conditions and remove the accumulation of ice by using a salt-free ice melt. Pay special attention to high-traffic times such as lunch or the end of the day. Keep your ice melt near doors to make it easier for personnel to maintain clear walkways. Before you start using your de-icer, do some research on the ice melt ingredients you are using to ensure that you get concrete safe, non-corrosive, non-conductive, and long-lasting ice melt.
100% Salt & Chloride-Free Ice Melt for Winter Storm Protection.
4. Do not ignore indoor walking surfaces.
Employees and visitors will track snow and ice within as it piles outside, where it will melt and create an extra slip hazard. Once the floor has dried, remember to remove the wet floor sign—leaving it up creates another trip hazard for walkers.
5. Encourage employee participation.
Employees are your best source of knowledge regarding new slip and fall risks, so urge them to report the issues. By offering training, putting up awareness posters, and discussing sensible winter walking recommendations, you can get your employees involved in preventative efforts.
6. Considerations of jurisdiction.
Snow and ice removal are governed by the regulations or codes of each town. Property owners should be aware of the requirements of the municipality in which their property is situated and managed.
Slips and falls are the most common cause of workplace accidents. Allowing the winter weather to get the best of you is a bad idea. By using a salt-free ice melt, you can keep your premises free from snow and ice accumulation and your employees and guests safe.

Try Also Our Other Winter Safety Products:
Safe Paw
The Original and #1 Selling Pet and Child Safe Ice Melt for over 20 years. Guaranteed environmentally safe –It won’t harm animals or children, and it won’t damage your property. That’s Safe Paw. Safe Paw can change how winter affects our planet.

Walk On Ice
The handy disposable canister can be taken everywhere, with the same 100% naturally occurring minerals that provide instant traction on ice or snow. Use it on sidewalks, steps, or as an instant traction agent for your car.