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Injury Liability Of A Business For Slip And Fall Accidents

How To Melt Ice Faster

God forbid there is an accident or an injury that happens on your business premises; what will you do? How will you avert one, and if it takes place, handle it? There are several ifs and buts attached to injuries and liabilities of a business towards its customers.

Over a million Americans suffer from slipping and falling on icy surfaces each year. It translates to missing workdays, thus, making it a leading reason for lost days from work. And a majority of these injuries happen at work, making it the employer’s responsibility to compensate or own the liability. In a nutshell, any injury at the workplace is known as ‘premises liability.’

When you fall at home, it’s your responsibility to address the injury. However, in businesses such as parking lots, business entrances, etc., the area can become slushy and slippery. Here, it is the business owner’s responsibility to compensate you for your fall and pay your medical bills or lost wages.

Safe Thaw - Ice And Snow Management Solution

To avoid these injuries, how to melt ice faster without any hassle?

Some ways to melt ice faster are-

  • Use correct snow removal equipment, such as a shovel, snow blowers, etc., to remove excessive ice.
  • Use environment-friendly and concrete-friendly ice melt that can help in deicing the surface, making it safe to walk. Safe Thaw is one such popular product in the market.

These few yet effective methods can help you avoid any business liability for slip and fall accidents. Businesses need to ensure that their premises and surroundings are salted and maintained to prevent any injuries.

Another excellent way to avoid the above liability is to use ice melt pet-friendly. It helps you eliminate the need to purchase and experiment with ice melt every season. It is called Safe Thaw.

A patented and National Safety Council approved ice melt; it does not contain any toxic chemicals. It is 100% salt-free and chloride-free formulated to perform in the most challenging weather conditions. So if you are worried about how to melt ice faster without damaging your natural surroundings, you can do that.

Our unique formula proves beneficial to a large extent to our plants and flowerbeds. And if you have guard dogs on the premises, they can walk on the ice without hurting their paws. It is so super exciting!

Safe Thaw penetrates the ice and snow’s molecular structure and does not allow it to refreeze in icy crystals. This effect is up to 72 hours and can help you save thousands of dollars on repairs and stocking up on last-minute ice melt products.

100% Salt & Chloride-Free Ice Melt for Winter Storm Protection.

To Conclude 

Therefore, if you suffer from a workplace injury, your business is responsible for taking care of you. Ensure that you have your salt and ice melt ready to avoid any last-minute surprises as a business. Today, keep your concrete and pets safe and avoid accidents with powerful ice melt products, such as Safe Thaw!

Try Also Our Other Winter Safety Products:

Safe Paw

The Original and #1 Selling Pet and Child Safe Ice Melt for over 20 years. Guaranteed environmentally safe –It won’t harm animals or children, and it won’t damage your property. That’s Safe Paw.  Safe Paw can change how winter affects our planet.

Safe Paw Ice Melt - 8 Lb Jug

Walk On Ice

The handy disposable canister can be taken everywhere, with the same 100% naturally occurring minerals that provide instant traction on ice or snow. Use it on sidewalks, steps, or as an instant traction agent for your car.

Walk On Ice - Traction Agent
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