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How To Cure Your Ice Melt Stained Concrete


Concrete is porous, which means that it absorbs water. The main risks of using an ice melter on your concrete are surface damage and discoloration resulting in ice melt stained concrete.

Water can cause damage to the concrete by expanding as it freezes and thaws, causing cracks in the surface of the driveway or sidewalk. This expansion can also lead to large chunks of concrete being broken off from larger sections if there isn’t enough room for expansion underfoot. Furthermore, water trapped between two slabs may seep through tiny cracks or crevices. This again leads to expansion when freezing temperatures return and other problems such as potholes forming around these areas due to shifting ground beneath them.

Safe Thaw - Best Ice Melt For Asphalt

Safe Thaw

Safe Thaw was created as the ice management solution for tough winter environments. Ideal in commercial and industrial properties, shops, government agencies, bridges, and construction.

How To Prevent Ice Melt Stained Concrete

The wood chip test is a way to determine whether or not a deicer will damage your concrete. To conduct this test, you’ll need to place a small amount of the product on a piece of wood. Then you place the wood directly on your concrete and leave it in place for at least five hours. The goal is to see if any damage occurs when removing the wood later—if there’s no visible damage, then that means the deicer won’t harm your surface either!

Cleaning Stains From Your Concrete Driveway

  • Clean your driveway using a broom to eliminate leaves, soil, and other loose dirt. So you will be able to see the stains you are working with. 
  • Splash plain water on the stains and wait 2–5 minutes for the water to soften the stain. Then, you can use a deck brush to scrub. Later, rinse with water. 
  • Mix dish soap and water together, rub the mixture on the stain and let it sit for 5 minutes. Next, scrub it with a bristle brush and rinse it with water. If the soap can eliminate grease, the marks should immediately come off the concrete. 
  • A concrete cleaner or degreaser can help remove the stains if they are still there. Apply any of it and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then, use a soft bristle brush to scrub the surface. Finally, use a garden hose to wash the stains away. 
  • As a last resort, you can use a pressure washer with your concrete degreaser to clean up marks on concrete. 

100% salt & chloride-free, fast acting Ice Management Solution

Get A Safe Melt Ice Melter

It’s essential to use the correct ice melt for concrete steps and driveways to keep them safe. Unfortunately, de-icers like rock salt can damage driveways. Instead, natural ice melt with traction agents can be used for an even more delicate approach to preventing slips and accidents. 

Safe Thaw is a urea-modified, 100% natural, non-toxic, and biodegradable ice melt formula for your concrete and steel rebar because it protects water brine from refreezing and keeps your concrete safe from cracks, corrosion, spalling, and scaling. Also, it is safe for all surfaces, machinery, vehicles, and greenery. In addition, its concentrated formula provides long-term, maximum effectiveness with long shelf life.

Try Also Our Other Winter Safety Products:

Safe Paw

The Original and #1 Selling Pet and Child Safe Ice Melt for over 20 years. Guaranteed environmentally safe –It won’t harm animals or children, and it won’t damage your property. That’s Safe Paw.  Safe Paw can change how winter affects our planet.

Safe Paw Ice Melt - 8 Lb Jug

Walk On Ice

The handy disposable canister can be taken everywhere, with the same 100% naturally occurring minerals that provide instant traction on ice or snow. Use it on sidewalks, steps, or as an instant traction agent for your car.

Walk On Ice - Traction Agent
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